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Thursday, September 16, 2010

I like it when I wave my hands under the faucet and the water turns on.

All of you Americans reading this totally take advantage of the fact that we never have to do anything. like flush or use a paper towel or turn on a faucet. I always catch myself waving my hands under the faucet wondering why it's not turning on. People actually have to pull this metal thing to flush. We have a bidet in my bathroom here that I've been too afraid to use. Some day? Other differences I've noticed while here include a mass addiction to nicotine. EVERYONE smokes cigarettes. My spanish teacher was telling us that a few years ago students and teachers would smoke in class, but that since has been outlawed. I don't recall if I pointed out earlier, but every woman wears high heels, which I really can't imagine how the body can handle that becuase everyone walks so much. I was walking home today from school (didn't get lost!) and this old man probably is going to die tonight at one hundred and three years old, yet he was out hubbling along on the street. Old people walk everywhere-and yes these ancient women are still wearing heels. Incredible. Eighty and ninety year olds.
In America, people accomodate to other people who are walking. They will slightly shift or get out of the way if need be. Here, I'm dodging left and right, having close calls of collisions, people just don't move for each other. One of my girlfriends said she went out the other day and didn't move out of the way just to see what would happen. She and this lady had a major collision and fell...hysterical.
There are unbelieveable amounts of people who are extremely multi-cultural in their backgrounds and where they've lived. I sit next to this gal in my class and she has lived in Mexico, South America, United States, Spain, and some other place for years at a time. Another gal is half Nicaraguan and half German-She's a black gal with a British accent. Mel. Awesome. And she was born in some African country I believe? Everyone has a story like that.
Hi I'm from Loveland, Colorado and I live in Waco, Texas. I don't really know what my heritage is but I believe its German, English, and my grandmother claims she has like a hundredth of Indian.
I feel New York City is kind of the same scenario though becuase there are so many different cultures in one place. Here in Spain it just seem more prevalent.
Most people know more than one language, especially English. A good majority of people at least know a little bit of English, so Spanglish how I usually converse. Usually people speak English to me and I talk back in Spanish to practicar la lengua.
Mexicans and Spain natives are very different in culture, and Spanish people can tell those of Mexican culture right away. My communications teacher traveled to America and he said everyone thought he was Mexican becuase he was speaking spanish, only later would people realize he was European. Accents between the two amongst a variety of other things are very different. I met some Spanish and Mexican students hanging out here and they were talking of this. It was actually Mexican Independence day yesterday and everyone knew it last night as there were hundreds of painted bodies showcasing the flag. It was a SIGHT.
I'm reflecting on identities and culture becuase today we introduced ourselves in my communications class and spoke of identities and self presentation. Everyone introduced themself from their seat and of course I was the only one who stood up in class, as I was one of the first ones to go. This teacher is great though. My next class is political communication with the hairy bellied teacher who strongly resembles a pirate with his long black hair, hoop earring, all black clothes and hand held spanish red fan that he constantly uses. Ha. Quiteee the personality. In my latin rythms class we just finished learning the meringue and yesterday was our first day of salsa. Which I LOVE. Apparently we will be going out to discotechas next weekend to dance?
I've recently booked a trip to Ireland for only 60 euros and will be staying with friends of friends there. I met a gal from Ireland the other night and she said that's during the rainy season, but I'm hoping we will be fine. That is coming up in November, I will go to Barcelona Halloween weekend, and I am going to Valencia tomorrow for the weekend. I am in the process of planning other vacations but it is time-consuming and stressful to get organized. Some people arrived here in Spain with every weekend booked and laid out.

Everywhere I go people ask about my scarred and scraped up knees. Literally strangers. Understandably, I look like I've just escaped a brutal war. Still healing from the battle with a treadmill.
Finally overcame my embarrassment and indulged in classes that my gym has to offer yesterday. I did an abs class and this super buff Spanish woman was screaming Spanish commands and kept turning up the music until the ground was literally vibrating. Really didn't know what was going on. After that decided to calm down with Pilates. I had never done Pilates before and it probably didn't help that my first class ever was in Spanish so I was awkwardly watching people to see what they were doing as they were breathing extra loudly and being super awkward themselves. Not my thing.
My senora introduced us gals to her nephew, and he goes to my gym. He kind of looks like Mr. Clean, and senora was literally trying to marry him off to us. She is SUCH a character! She was telling us of when she traveled to Barcelona when she was eighteen and stayed in what she thought was a hostel. Unfortunately it was a brothel and even more unfortunately she didn't find this out until it was very late at night. She stayed awake in the darkness (no electricity) while people banged on her door asking her if she wanted another man. Terrifying. Will NOT be repeating from her mistake.

I cannot stress enough how infatuated people are with American music, clothes, materials in general. Lady Gaga's "Alejandro" came on last night and this place called Orange bar went insane. Earlier I had met someone named Alejandro and he walked up to me during the song and I pushed him away. Don't call my name Alejandro!

Thursday night is PAELLA night with the senora and I've been anticipating this all day... Cena time!


  1. HAHAAHA imagining you in that pilates class literally just made my day.
